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Luxury Glow Powder For Skin Boost – 100g

African Butter Essentials


Luxury Glow Powder For Skin Boost – 100g


  • Clears toxins from the body.
  • Get rid of yeast infection for good.
  • Improve the effectiveness of your skincare routine.


Complete the routine


Luxury Glow Powder is made with hibuscus and rosehip for skin boost.

Imagine starting each day with a sip of radiance for skin boost—our Luxury Glow Powder makes this a reality. This drink isn’t just refreshing; it’s a powerhouse of skin-clearing nutrients. Designed to detoxify and purify your system from the inside, it provides the foundation for a truly fresh start. Each glass is packed with ingredients known to enhance clarity and glow, ensuring your skin feels as revitalized as your spirit.


Glowing Skin: Sip your way to a natural, radiant glow with the benefits of rosehip and hibiscus.

Hydration Boost: Enjoy a delicious drink. It not only tastes good but also helps keep your skin hydrated from the inside.

Rosehip’s antioxidants: fight aging effects, keeping your skin youthful and fresh.

Support your skin’s elasticity with hibiscus.: The hibiscus maintains skin elasticity.

Detox from Within: Let your body detoxify, helping your skin look clearer and more vibrant.

Enhanced Product Absorption: Improve your skincare routine’s effectiveness. Ensure your skin can absorb and make the most of your favorite products.


it’s not suitable for use if you’re Pregnant or Breastfeeding

How to Use:

Drink Twice a day

1/2 to 1 Teaspoon in 250ml water (hot or cold)

1 Teaspoon to 300ml smoothie or plain yogurt

Do not add sugar or any artificial sweetener


Rosehip and Hibiscus

Luxury Glow Powder is good for Health and boost the effectiveness of your skin care 

When taking care of our health, we are always looking for natural remedies. We want them to make a difference. Enter rosehip and hibiscus—the dynamic duo that should be on everyone’s radar. These two powerful herbs offer many health benefits. Incorporating them into your daily routine is easier than you might think.

One way to enjoy the benefits of rosehip and hibiscus is by drinking them as tea. Mix half to one teaspoon of these potent herbs with 250ml of hot or cold water. This will provide you with a refreshing beverage twice a day. This creates a delightful experience for your taste buds.

For those who prefer a different kind of refreshment, adding a teaspoon of rosehip and hibiscus to a 300ml smoothie or plain yogurt is another fantastic option. This small addition will infuse your favorite snacks with natural goodness. It will give them a burst of flavor. It offers a nutrient-packed boost to your day.

When enjoying rosehip and hibiscus, avoid adding sugar or artificial sweeteners. These herbs have a naturally sweet and tangy flavor. They don’t need any extra sweetening. By savoring them in their pure form, you can fully appreciate the benefits they provide.

So, what makes rosehip and hibiscus such an incredible duo? Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, these herbs contribute to wellness. We know that rosehip supports joint health. It also boosts the immune system and improves skin elasticity. Hibiscus promotes healthy blood pressure levels and aids digestion. It also provides a soothing effect on the body.

Adding rosehip and hibiscus to your daily routine is an easy way to improve your well-being. Plus, it’s enjoyable. You can sip these herbs as tea or add them to your favorite snacks. They offer many health benefits. It is worth explo


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